
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Errores al Instalar Agente de System Center Essentials

Cuando queremos instalar el agente, algunas maquinas dan errores en la instalación, normalmente suele ser uno de los siguientes motivos:
  •  System is offline or cannot be contacted via RPC or Computer Browser Service is not running: “The MOM Server failed to open service control manager on computer 123.abcco.com. Therefore, the MOM Server cannot complete configuration of the agent on the computer. Operation: Agent Install. Install account: abcco\msaa Error Code: 800706BA Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable”. Solution: Bring the server online or make it able to be reached via RPC. This can also be caused if the Computer Browser Service is turned off on the system the agent is being installed.

  •   Agent Requires Windows 2000 SP4, or Windows 2003 SP1. Minimum. “The Agent Management Operation Agent Install failed for remote computer 456.abcco.com. Install account: abcco\msaa Error Code: 80070643 Error Description: Fatal error during installation. Microsoft Installer Error Description: For more information see Windows Installer Log file ‘C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\AgentManagement\AgentLogs\(servername)MOMAgentMgmt.log’ on the Management Server.” When reviewing the application log an EventID of 10005 is created for the source of MsiInstaller. This indicates that the system doesn’t match the required service pack version. Solution: Patch the server to SP4 if it is on Windows 2000 or SP1 if it is on Windows 2003. A temporary solution would be to monitor the system Agentless until the required service pack can be applied.

  • Windows installer 3.1 is required. “The MOM Server detected that remote computer 789.abcco.com has older version of Windows Installer installed. Please update to Windows Installer 3.1 version. Please refer to release notes for more details. Operation: Agent Install Install account: abcco\msaa Error code: 8007064D Error Description: The installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.” Solution: Apply critical updates to the system. A temporary solution would be to monitor the system Agentless until the required service pack can be applied.
  •   Needs permissions to install. “The MOM Server failed to open service control manager on computer 789.abcco.com. Therefore, the MOM Server cannot complete the configuration of agent on the computer. Operation: Agent Install Install account: abcco\msaa Error Code: 80070005 Error Description: Access is denied.” Solution: Install with an account who is at least a local administrator on the system that the agent needs to be deployed to.

  • Free Disk Space. “The MOM Server failed to perform specified action on computer 908.abcco.com. Operation: Agent Install Install account: abcco\msaa Error Code: 80070070 Error Description: There is not enough space on the disk.” This failed on installation when there was less than 2048 KB of free disk space. If the installation is run with more thatn 2048 KB of free space than that but less than 21998 KB of free space it will log an event on the system (application log, MsiInstaller, 11601) where the agent is being deployed to saying that at least 21998 KB of free space is required. The files for OpsMgr require at least 154 MB of disk space. Solution: Free up more disk space on the System Drive for the system that the agent needs to be deployed to/at least 200 MB should be minimum starting point.

  •  Unknown “The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query “Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem” on computer 567.abcco.com. Operation: Agent Install Install Account: abcco\msaa Error Code: 800706BA Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.” The server in question is pingable, unable to replicate the error. Support article #934760. LockFileTime.txt file is located in the following folder on the remote computer: %windir%\422C3AB1-32E0-4411-BF66-A84FEEFCC8E2 “Unknown error 0x80072971”. support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/934760/en-us

3 comentarios:

  1. Buenas tardes Jordi, el error que a mi me sale es el siguiente:

    The Operations Manager Server could not execute WMI Query "(null)" on computer pc30.dominio.com.
    Operation: Agent Install
    Install account: DOMINIO\Administrador
    Error Code: 80070005
    Error Description: Acceso denegado.

    El caso es, que como ves, se está intentando instalar con el usuario Administrador del dominio, por lo que no debería tener problemas en hacerlo, ¿no?. ¿Se te ocurre qué podría estar pasando?

    Muchas gracias.

    1. Aqui hablan sobre el tema http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f2afad5c-8bb8-4f96-ad71-074504038fd4/the-operations-manager-server-could-not-execute-wmi-query-null-on-computer-computername?forum=systemcenteressentials

      Pero me parece que es tan sencillo como desactivar el firewall de la maquina en cuestión.

  2. Muchas gracias Jordi, he estado revisando la configuración del equipo y el Firewall ya estaba desactivado.
    El problema se sigue produciendo. Voy a revisar el enlace que me mandas detalladamente para ver si así consigo dar con la solución.

    Saludos y nuevamente, muchas gracias.
